World Languages

Program Type: Face-to-Face, Fully Online
Program Level: Pre-Majors/Transfer
Department: Languages and Philosophy
Institute: Creative & Communication Arts
College: SAC

What is the World Languages program?

该课程为您在六种语言的口头和书面语言技能中参与全球社会并取得成功做好准备, and an understanding of the cultures they represent.

What will I learn?

本课程教你用西班牙语进行口头和书面交流, Chinese, Japanese, French, German or Italian. You’ll get instruction and practice in speaking, reading, 达到大学水平的目标语言写作和听力, 遵循美国外语教学委员会的指导方针. 你将学习语法和词汇来达到中级水平的交流. 真实的材料和语境突出了目的语国家的关键方面, 帮助你更好地了解其他文化.

What can I do with language study?

这个课程将帮助你达到进入四年制大学的外语要求, 你可以在哪里继续学习你的目标语言. 您还将为在我们日益相互联系的世界中取得专业和个人成功做好准备. 第二语言能为你提供市场所需的技能,增加你的工作机会, especially in fields including medicine, health care, education, translation, interpreting, foreign service, diplomacy, government, criminal justice/law, business, tourism, IT and many other areas.

What is special about the program?

会说两种语言可以提高认知能力,改善心理健康,甚至可以增加薪水. 我们的教师拥有丰富的语言教学经验, with specialized degrees from prestigious universities. 世界语言课程可以在线或面对面.


What Spanish courses can I take at SAC?

SPAN 1411 -基础西班牙语I(4学分)和SPAN 1412 -基础西班牙语II(4学分). We offer some sections of SPAN 1411 in person; most sections are online. 

SPAN 2311 -中级西班牙语I(3学分)和SPAN 2312 -中级西班牙语II(3学分). We offer these classes online. 


Spanish Placement Exam: FREE!

我们提供免费的笔试,以便有可能进入更高水平的西班牙语课程. You won’t receive a credit or letter grade, 但是我们会用这个分数来决定你应该上什么课. Call (210) 486-0965 to arrange to take the exam on campus.

SPAN 1300 -开始会话西班牙语I(3学时). We offer Conversational Spanish in person and online. 这门课程作为选修课转到大多数四年制大学.

Medical Spanish

What Medical Spanish courses can I take at SAC?

SPAN 1411 -基础医学西班牙语I(4学分)和SPAN 1412 -基础医学西班牙语II(4学分). Medical Spanish 1411 and 1412 are online.

SPAN 2311-中级医学西班牙语I(3学时). We offer this class online.


Spanish Placement Exam: FREE!

我们提供免费的笔试,以便有可能进入更高水平的西班牙语课程. You won’t receive a credit or letter grade, 但是我们会用这个分数来决定你应该上什么课. Call (210) 486-0965 to arrange to take the exam on campus.


What Japanese courses can I take at SAC?

日本1411 -初级日语I(4学时)和日本1412 -初级日语II(4学时). We offer some sections of JAPN 1411 and 1412 in-person; other sections are online.



Japanese Placement Exam: FREE!

我们提供了一个免费的笔试,可能安排到更高水平的日语. You won’t receive a credit or letter grade, 但是我们会用这个分数来决定你应该上什么课. Email Prof. Kawabe at to arrange to take the exam on campus.


What Chinese courses can I take at SAC?

CHIN 1411- Elementary Chinese I (4 credit hours). 1411 is online.



What French courses can I take at SAC?

FREN 1411 -初级法语I(4学分)和1412 -初级法语II(4学分). 1411 and 1412 are online.



What Italian courses can I take at SAC?

ITAL 1411 -初级意大利语I(4学分)和ITAL 1412 -初级意大利语II(4学分). 1411 and 1412 are online.


Degrees and Certificates

Contact Us

Yolanda Del Villar
Discipline Coordinator
Oppenheimer Academic Center 133
(210) 486-0969

Alaina Webb
Department Chair
Nail Technical Center 114C
(210) 486-1105

Maricela Ramon
Academic Unit Assistant
(210) 486-0965