
欢迎来到KidSpot! A study place for parents. A reading space for kids.

Academic libraries across the nation have been championing the needs of student-parents for a parent-friendly study space on campus. Our library has responded by creating a place where families can study together.

Enter the third floor of the 圣安东尼奥 大学 library in the Moody Learning Center and take a right. There you will find an area filled with small chairs, oversized books, stuffed animals, and Mr. 和夫人. 土豆头.

Furnishings invite parents to study and accomplish their academic goals in a space where their children can read and play within sight of the parent at all times.

Parents leave campus for the day knowing they have accomplished their academic and parental responsibilities in a safe and nurturing environment. This space not only contributes to retention for student parents, it lets families know the campus cares about their needs.

While the space is designed to be intimate and supportive, it is also flexible and can be rearranged to accommodate up to 40 children at one time. KidSpot is available during regular library hours and is geared towards preschool-age children, although kids younger or older are welcome when accompanied by their parent(s).

Plenty of activities are available to keep children busy. Games, puzzles, and the big draw – the books. There are small shelves filled with English and Spanish books to spark the imagination of any young reader. There are also large books that will offer an immersive reading experience for a young mind. If a child finds a book they want to continue reading at home, their parents can use their student ID to take the book home.

Plans are already underway to add more services, such as a monthly story time and a changing station in the third-floor restrooms.

Ultimately, KidSpot is a place where both parents and kids can learn together.