
圣安东尼奥学院 has been able to collect an extensive amount of data which enables the 学习评估 office to clearly map SLOs to Marketable skills as well as Program Learning Outcomes.

的 学习评估 office develops reports on program outcomes by program, 部门, 标题, 和部分. 的se reports provide insight on trends over time on Marketable Skills achievement. 圣安东尼奥学院 began collecting assessment data on Marketable Skills in 2014.

的se reports are a basis for discussion at faculty develpment and 部门 meetings, as well as at the campus-wide SAC Scores assessment days (held twice per academic year) where faculty are required to review their assessment reports and develop action plans for improving outcomes in areas that are low performing (over 30% do not meet expectations).

进一步, 我们相信在线技术工具的实施, 包括学生仪表板和ePortfolio, 已经改变了学生的评估, 技能成就, 对其他机构也很有价值. 此外, by providing resources to help students develop awareness of learning outcomes and Marketable Skills, students build self-efficacy and are empowered to be involved in directing their learning path. An institutional culture that supports these beliefs is critical to success and requires every faculty and staff member at 圣安东尼奥学院 to reflect on their role in transforming student learning.



  • SLO按期限划分 报告-每个教师课程部分的学生学习成果 
  • 按部门、课程和CSLO划分的SLO表现 -按项目划分每个SLO的完成情况 
  • 教师参与报告 -教员完成slo评估和评分 
  • SLO性能报告 —支持办公生成报表  
  • SLO绩效市场技能/PSLO课程 —支持办公生成报表 

〇学生自我评价 通过CCSSE收集 

Specific items from the 社区 大学 Survey of Student 订婚, CCSSE, (两年一次), serve as indirect measures of attainment of the general education competencies, supplementing the direct measures obtained from assessing course SLOs. 


有关学习评估报告的更多信息,请联系: SAC-SLOS@imomoew.com

工件 & 订婚


的 eLumen 学生仪表板 is a tool for students to view progress in their courses, 建立学术和职业档案, 在毕业前坚持下去. Students have real-time access to data on their attainment of Student Learning Outcomes o按课程评定R值. 学生被赋予自我监督和与教师联系的权力 关于如何改进 i他们看到他们你没有在执行t 结果达到“满足预期”的水平. 

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的 eLumen ePortfolio is an online software platform used to store digital collections of artifacts, 比如写样本和演示文稿Students 可以 house assignments linked to student learning outcomes through instructor-initiated, course-specific ePortfolios. Students 可以 showcase their strengths and acquired skills and to submit materials to potential employers or transfer institutions. Students also have the option to create and customize a limitless number of ePortfolios to showcase their skills and artifacts of their choice to be shared with potential employers or transfer institutions. 

的 ePortfolio provides a space for students to reflect on their experiences to deepen their learning. 传统的作业, usually provide a snapshot of the students understanding on a point system, 可以 often leave students in the dark about their areas of strength as well as those they need to develop. 与 ePortfolio、教师 可以 评估学生的学习情况 一段时间 and provide guidance through constructive feedback within the portfolio. This provides clarity to students and a true opportunity to continue their growth beyond the assignment. 通过这些教员的互动, students 可以 continue to refine and draw connections that will shape their personal growth journey as well as develop a tool that showcases their skills to potential employers.